
Congenital Heart Disease Webring

  Welcome to my web ring page! I joined this ring after belonging to its e-mail support group for a while. My son has congenital heart disease. He has been diagnosed with ventricular inversion; congenitally corrected transposition of the great vessels/arteries; ventricular septal defect; and a leaky tricuspid valve.

  The day we learned of his heart defects we were shocked and mortified. Hearing that your child has a potential life threatening defect is one of the most horrible experiences ever! But, we feel blessed to have this little guy in our lives and wouldn't want him any other way. We are still terrified about his up coming surgery, but he his very strong and growing well. . .so we are confidant all will be well.

  Please visit my web pages while you're here!

  • rachellenet: that's this site, it is home to web rings (both to join and surf); a name award; a web ring faq; and more. . .
  • pronounced ruh-shell: that's my personal home page. . .get some freebies there too!
  • canonical designs: a professional web and computer development company

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